Conférence « Les Jeudis de l’UMR EME » au Centre de Recherche Halieutique Méditerranéenne et Tropical (CRH) de Sète
avec Christopher Costello
Weber dit : 31 janvier 2013 à 19 h 31 min
Dear Chris, I very much apreciated your conf. and apologized for my absence, due to medical constraints.
Just ONE question.
Why do you gon on with the Hardin’s confusion between « common property » and « open access ».
It is now well established that common property begins when open access finishes.
Even Scott recognizes that fact.There is « common property » (or common pool management » when
(1) the resources are limitatively identifified,
(2) the users are precisely identified, and exclusion is possible,
(3) access is controled,
(4) sanctions exist.Far from what you call « common property, after Hardin, is’nt it ?
Wharmth regards,
Jacques Weber
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